
Hi there, I am Paul Ofili. Welcome to my blog page and my software engineering journey. I write about anything of interest during this journey. (more)

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Aug. 4, 2020

Interswitch Developer Console

During my Industrial Training last year, I worked with Interswitch as a Software Engineering where I got to work on a lot of cool projects. One of which was Developer Console. In this article, I will take you through the new user interface, technologies used, architectural design and why we decided to use these technologies.

Jul. 1, 2020


Hey guys, so I decided to start a blog where I write about my new learnings and experiences. I also plan to give real time updates of the projects I will be working on. They will mainly feature System Design and Full Stack applications. I will be describing the software development life cycle, from the project idea creation, to its set up, development, execution, testing and finally to the deployment phase.